

Shaping the Future of
Healthcare Innovation

Tue 15th and Wed 16th of October at Aalto University

Learn about:
Need-led Product Innovation
Integrating Innovation to the Healthcare Services
Partnerships and Collaboration
Innovation through Human & Artificial Intelligence

Experience innovative products and services at our Expo, see the future at the leading Health
Startup pitching competition of the year (apply here) for up to 100k€ in investments.

Work with fellow healthcare providers and innovators at the workshop led by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health

#RDI #medtech, #digitalhealth #pharma, #AI #biomedicaldesign #designthinking #servicedesign #engineering #productdevelopment

Last chance to get Early Bird Tickets (Holvi)

at Design Factory 15th & Dipoli 16th of Oct, Aalto University, Espoo, Greater Helsinki Region, Finland.

Need-led Innovation & Venture Building

Need-driven innovation


Integrating innovation to the healthcare services

How digitalization affects human development?

Is mental health in crisis?

Learn how we can support mental wellbeing through digital platforms while minimizing the risks.

#Digitalization #Platforms #Mentalhealth

Co-creating innovation through partnerships

Learn how we can design physical and virtual surroundings that support our wellbeing

Learn how tomorrows healthcare can be both physical and virtual as well

#VR #XR #PhysicalReality # Architecture

Innovation through Human and Artificial Intelligence

How to design interactions between patients and healthcare professionals.

How to enable wellbeing at home.

#UX #UI #Applications #HomeCare


Virpi Roto

Virpi Roto is working as a professor of practice in experience design at Aalto University, Department of Design. She is the most cited user experience researcher in Finland. She is the Chair of Aalto Experience Platform, which facilitates multidisciplinary collaboration in experience research.

Sys Zoffmann Glud

is managing director of BioMedical Design Novo Nordisk Foundation Fellowship Programme at, Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University. Her work is focused on empowering and training talented professionals to create need-driven health innovations and valuable medical solutions, as well as developing interdisciplinary collaborations to address health challenges.

She is a PhD in Nano/Molecular Biology from Aarhus University, an author/co-author of a dozen scientific research publications and book chapters. She’s a member of Assessment Committee for Innovation Fund Denmark and act as Entrepreneurship ambassador for Department of Clinical Medicine.

She has been a member of Committee for Education at Danish Diabetes Academy (2018-2022).

Jere Finne

Jere Finne is a Service Manager in Service Center Helsinki. Through technology they can offer their customers a chance to live a good and sociable life in the safety of their home. By utilizing cutting-edge technology, vast liaison network and firm knowledge on healthcare service design they have been able to develop a concept that is internationally renowned. At this year’s Helsinki Design Week they launched this concept as a new ’At Home Concept’, which is a continuum for previous development.​

Nina Karisalmi

Before graduating as M.Sc.(Tech) Nina worked as a pediatric nurse in the Childrens's hospital. Now she is doing her Phd in the usability group at Aalto University. Karisalmi has been involved with the Lapsus research project for three years, studying the patient experience of children.

Roeen Roashan

is currently the Director of Innovation in Novo Nordisk Japan, and has during his time focused extensively on driving a needs-led innovation model to solve internal and external challenges.

Within healthcare, Roeen has led initiatives that prove pharma’s role beyond the pill, supporting both healthcare professional and patients with tools that ease the burden of daily tasks related to cardiometabolic diseases.

Saara Hassinen / Chair

Saara Hassinen is the CEO of the Healthtech Finland representing about 200 companies operating in Finland. Health technology is one of the fastest growing high-tech export sectors in Finland.

A favourable operating environment envisages the R&D and production of patient-safe, effective and innovative solutions for both Finland and the world.

Rasmus Fält

is a Biomedical Designer and the Accelerator Lead at BETA.HEALTH, Denmark's national hospital innovation platform. Employed by Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital, he is instrumental in advancing innovation within the healthcare sector.

In his role at BETA.HEALTH, Fält spearheads initiatives that fast-track the development and adoption of new healthcare solutions. His expertise in biomedical design enables him to bridge clinical needs with technological advancements, driving collaborations that significantly improve patient care.

Beyond his work at Rigshospitalet, Fält is also the co-founder of Droplet IV, a medical devices company.

Paulus Torkki

is a professor (associate) of Healthcare Operations Management in the University of Helsinki. He is also a visiting professor in Aalto University and adjunct professor in the University of Jyväskylä. Paulus is also a partner and board member in a couple of small or medium size companies and associations and has been actively contributing to the current national reform of social and health services.

Paulus has been working in different research, development and management positions in the healthcare industry for over 20 years both in the academia as well as industrial side. His special interests are redesigning healthcare services, improving the performance of healthcare service delivery and developing value-based systems and services.

Janene Fuerch MD *zoom

is a Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatal and Developmental Medicine, Assistant Director of the Biodesign Innovation Fellowship Program at Stanford University, and Co-Director of Impact1 where she mentors and advises new entrepreneurs through all aspects of medical device development, from identifying clinical needs to commercialization.

But her work extends outside of the academic realm to industry having co-founded EMME (acquired by Simple Health 2022) an award-winning reproductive health company, medical director for Novonate (acquired by Laborie 2023) a neonatal umbilical catheter securement company and notable consultant for Vitara (EXTEND - artificial environment to decrease complications of prematurity), Laborie and Avanos™. Janene is passionate about improving the health of children and newborns through medical device innovation and research.

Pekka Kumpula

is a Managing Director and  Owner of Seos Design. His professional background is in the designing and branding of new products and services. He has a  master's degree in industrial- and strategic design (IDBM) and has worked in several different positions as a designer, design director, development director, researcher and visiting professor.

Pekka has consulted more than 350 companies both in Finland, and in the international arena including in Italy, Spain, China, UK, Germany and the USA. For the last 15 years he has focused on the development of medical devices and services and has worked with more than 20 companies and public actors in the field.

From this effort I Pekka has been awarded two Red Dot awards and a Fennia Prize Grand Prix award.

Pinja Krook

is Healthcare Partnership Director at Novartis Finland, leading a unique team within pharma industry focusing on partnerships. Partnership Team works to find effective solutions to improve healthcare services together with wellbeing services counties and other Finnish healthcare system stakeholders.

Pinja’s background is a combination of service design, information technology, occupational therapy and health management. She is especially interested in co-creation together with healthcare professionals, patients and decision makers as that is fastest way to creating healthcare services that actually create value.  

Patrick Halford / Audience Chair and Host

Patrick is an expert in the organisational impact of generative AI. He is a Strategic Advisor with Next CoLabs North America which brings together executive teams to help drive impact across business with AI, and he leads Gaoithe Advisory which helps Boards & Leadership teams with GenAI strategies.

He is on the faculty at Singularity Group (California) where he focuses on the future of work. Previously he led a team of 50 funding and research experts from 14 nationalities for Spinverse (Finland) building European R&D consortia across Health Tech, electronics, AI, robotics, smart cities and defence. He is guest faculty at Hanken/Riga & SSE covering the organisational impact of AI for their Executive programmes. He is based in Kuopio.

Ryoichi Nagatomi

is a managing director of Japan Biodesign Program at Tohoku University, Japan.In collaboration with Biodesign Programs in Tokyo University and Osaka University, he has been promoting a multi- & inter-disciplinary community of needs-driven healthcare innovation in Japan to address health challenges by providing intensive workshops since 2015.

He is a Professor Emeritus at Tohoku University. His academic contributions are focused on health and sports science, covering the bench to public health. He current role is to provide a scientific platform for innovative services and products in the healthcare industry.

Visa Sippola

Visa is the CEO and Co-Founder of Surgify and responsible for making our product meet the customer needs. My passion is to solve healthcare problems by implementing modern technology. Prior to co-founding Surgify Medical, I was working as a neurosurgery researcher at Helsinki University Hospital. I was recently chosen as one of the top 35 Innovators Under 35 in Europe by MIT Technology Review.

Pasi Heiskanen

Pasi is the Chief Operating Officer and Co-founder of Noona Healthcare. He is an digital heath professional with passion for building solutions that work in practice. Pasi combines his health industry and cancer care expertise with deep knowledge in utilizing IT and digitalization to yield value. Ramping up Noona service and Noona Healthcare as a company is his latest mile stone in this path. Pasi’s mission is to build sustainable solutions for cancer hospitals in providing better care to their patients.

Johanna Kaipio

Johanna Kaipio, D.Sc.(Tech.), is working as a research fellow at Aalto University, Department of Computer Science. Johanna has a strong background in user-centered design and usability evaluation. Her areas of research include usability of healthcare information systems, integrating usability into procurement of IT systems for healthcare and social care, and patient experience.

Anna-Maria Henell

is the CEO and Co-Founder of Disior, where she drives innovation and co-creation with Clinicians and Medical Researchers. Founded in 2016, Disior develops a novel way to analyze and model bone fractures and soft tissue for diagnostics, pre-operative planning and treatment optimization. The company brings together clinical needs and product development experience from orthopedics, maxillofacial surgery and latest modelling technology.

Milvi Soosalu

Milvi Soosalu (M.A.) is industrial designer working as Senior User Experience Designer at GE Healthcare. She designs graphical user interfaces and UX for patient monitoring devices.  She also works on product usability evaluation and validation.  Helsinki is one of GE Healthcare’s leading centers of excellence for Monitoring Solutions R&D and marketing. In Finland there are approx. 1,100 employees in 6 sites, 2 manufacturing plants, 2 R&D Centers of Excellence and over 110 years of history.

See the program >


Dipoli serves as the main building of Aalto University. It is a new type of multi-use building which reflects the skills and knowledge, activities, and people of the University.

Dipoli pictures: Northbay


Unlocking the Scalability of Innovation: Identifying Needs for Expertise and Support

In a workshop organized by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and Biodesign Finland, representatives from wellbeing services counties, businesses, and other stakeholders will discuss the types of additional expertise and support needed to drive processes aimed at producing innovations that are scalable both nationally and internationally. Participants will also explore which actors or stakeholders could provide the identified expertise and support.

In practice, the workshop will address development needs emerging from the practical operations of wellbeing services counties and connected to national development challenges. Participants will document their observations within the framework of the innovation process. At the end of the workshop, groups will present their findings and share their observations collectively.

After the workshop, a summary of the workshop’s findings will be compiled and communicated as part of the RDI Growth Programme for Health and Wellbeing's communications.



12:30 Registration opens at aalto university DF, Puumiehenkuja 5 Espoo finland

13:00 Workshop: Innovation and growth with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health Finland
Jukka Lähesmaa, Pauliina Hyrkäs, Outi Forsström,
Specialist at Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Salla Keränen, Program manager, Biodesign Finland

Workshop continues where you can work closely with representatives from wellbeing counties, hospitals and companies on concrete healthcare challenges, while exploring innovation opportunities together.

15:00 Break

15:20 Pitching: Semi-finals batch 1: For medtech, digital health and pharma startups.

16:00 Opening Keynote Session:
Integrating Innovation to Healthcare Services

Saara Hassinen,
Managing Director at Healthtech Finland / Chair

Rasmus Fält,
Accelerator Lead at BETA.HEALTH, DK National Hospital Innovation Platform
Ryoitchi Nagatomi, Managing director of Japan Biodesign Program at Tohoku University
Veera Vihula, R&D Development Manager at Western Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County (LUVN)
Heikki Nieminen, Head of Biodesign Finland
Saija Stenrooth, healthcare designer (sotemuotoilija) at the startup company Sotemuotoilu Ltd.
Paulus Torkki, Associate professor of Healthcare Operations Management in the University of Helsinki
CEO of Lean Entries, provider of regtech e-tools on MDR, IVDR, AI Act, Data Act and EHDS

Heikki Pitkänen, CEO of Lean Entries, MDR, IVDR, AI Act, Data Act and EHDS *product announcement /demo

17:45 Expo opens

17:50 Pitching Semi-finals batch 2: With Investor introductions: Innovestor, Nordic Science Investments, Tesi, FIBAN, Athensmed for medtech, digital health and pharma startups.

18:05 – 20:00 Evening Reception, Exhibition & Networking on site at Design Factory


8:30 Doors open at Dipoli, Otakaari 24, Aalto University


9:00 Session 1: Product Develoment Through Need-led Design and Artificial Intelligence

Sys Zoffman Glud, Managing Director of BioMedical Design Novo Nordisk / Chair

Leo Kärkkäinen, Professor at University of Eastern Finland *previously AI specialist at Silo AI, Nokia, Huawei

Pekka Kumpula, Managing Director at Seos Design

Visa Sippola, Founder and CEO at Surgify Medical

Sakari Nikimaa, Co-Founder and CEO at Koite Health

Panel: Product development from need to innovation with human and articifial intelligence

10:30 Coffee at Expo Space (40 min networking break)

11:10 Session 2: Innovation through co-creation and partnerships

Katariina Rouvinen, Development Manager at HUS Development Unit / Chair

Pinja Krook, Healthcare Partnership Director at Novartis

Roeen Roashan,  Director of Innovation at Novo Nordisk Japan

Timo Alalääkkölä, is the Head of Testing and Innovations at Oulu University Hospital

Martin Magelund, Director of the Centre of Head and Orthopaedics at Rigshospitalet

Panel: Innovaton as through partnerships

12:40 Lunch at Expo Space (60 min networking break)

13:40 Pitching competition finals for Medtech, Digital Health and Pharma for 100K€ investment

14:20 Coffee break at Expo Space (20 min break)

14:40 Concluding session 3: Increasing access to healthcare through innovation and technology with emphasis on women's and chidren's health. / Chair Otto Olavinen

Janene Fuerch (Hogan) Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatal and Developmental Medicine, Assistant Director of the Biodesign Innovation Fellowship Program at Stanford University *via Zoom

Mikko Kytö, Development Manager at Helsinki University Central Hospital

Statup showcase TBA

Prashant Jha, Professor at Kings College London

Panel: Innovation for women's and chidrens's health

16:00 Announcing the winners of Health Design 2024 pitching competition

Award party expo and networking

Doors close at 18:00


Interested in Partnerships? Learn more!

Main Partners:

Key Partners, Sponsors and Program Partners

Supporters, Exhibitors & Community:

Main Partners:

Science Foundation

Supporters, Investors & Community:

Partnership Inquiry & Media Accreditation

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Join ticket waiting list for early bird discount (sales open in 15th of July)

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08.00-9.30. Registration and coffee  
09.30. Welcome to Health Design 2017: Otto Olavinen & Risto Ilmoniemi  

09.40. Designing health technology for patients and customers. Saara Hassinen, Jyrki Nieminen, Sami Niemelä

10.45-11.00 Coffeebreak in Expo space  

11.00. Design that addresses global health needs. Prashant Jha, Zeynep Falay von Flittner

12.00-13.00 Lunch break + Networking  

13.00. Hospital spaces that improve patient life. Pekka Lahdenne, Sakari Forsman

14.00. Coffee break in Expo space  

14.15 Service design and digital health services. Visa Honkanen, Emil Virkki.

15.15 Coffee break in Expo space  

15.30 Markku Mäkijärvi Instrumetarium Science Foundation & Finals of the competition  

16.15 Anne Pitkäranta: Design for the Caretakers (Health and aesthetics)  

16.45 Expo + Cocktails and networking
17.30 Health Design Award Gala + prices for 1-3rd place winners.

20.00 Closing doors

Pitching competition for research teams for innovative healthcare design.    

Semifinals on the 28th of November. Finals on the 29th of November at Health Design 2017
Prizes: 50 000  € for implementing the  solution

Even if the team doesn’t win, they have a chance to get valuable feedback from the Health Design jury. Teams also have an opportunity to form new partnerships.

Competition partner: Instrumentariumin Tiedesäätiö sr



Towards the Future Workshop will be held after the conference. More details to be announced
Host: THL / STM Well-Being and Health AIRO project


Need & research based pitching competition for innovative #Medtech, #Healthtech, #DigitalHealth and #Pharma solutions

Welcome to the Health Design 2024 pitching competition.

Do you want to improve and impact human well-being? Do you have a novel health product/service that has a strong clinical and market need?

Confirmed investor partners:
Innovestor, Nordic Science Investments, Tesi, FIBAN (50-100K angel syndicate), Athensmed

Want to join in as investor contact: / +358 40 763 7918

Apply by 29th of September. The competition is held live at Aalto University Finland on 15th and 16th of October.

Health Design Pitching Competition is open for  Nordic / Baltic startups and university spinouts establishing their companies.

The language of the competition is English. Participants will be pre-selected by a Health Design Jury based on their applications.

Our emphasis is on innovations that address real needs for patinets and clinicians while providing solutions that can scale globally.Wheather you are a spinout from a univiversity of a startup started from a garage you are welcome as long as you provide a solution that creates a real and measurable impact that can also generate a profit for your company and investors.

Previous winners:
Glucomodicum 30K, Afekta 15K, Maculaser 5K, Brain Care 20K, Advaneedle 15K, Resistomap 5K

This year the winners will get investment discussions with Nordic / Baltic Angels and VC's.

For Angels interested to join the pitching syndicate tickets are typically in the range of 20K€-10K€
Inquiries: +358 40 7637918

Use the code contestant to get 30% of all normal and late bird tickets (100€ off during early bird): inlcuding attendee and startup exhibitor ticket (inc 2 tickets):

Application link Closed


Need: What is the problem? Who needs your solution? What is the outcome they need vs their current state?
Approach: What is your solution and what is the impact you hope to achieve in the future?
Benefits: What are the outcomes and benefits you offer
Competition: Who are your competitors, how does your solution compare?

Team: Why are your team and your working environment uniquely qualified to make all this happen?

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Northbay is a company that builds ideas. A Creative agency that Directs, Designs and Develops. By specializing on research and technology intensive clients, we look to make an impact in a local and global landscape.

Healthtech Finland is is an industry association and part of Technology Industries of Finland. Healthtech Finland is also a community: we foster our industry’s growth and collective knowledge.

Aalto University is a multidisciplinary community where science and art meet technology and business. We are committed to identifying and solving grand societal challenges and building an innovative future.

HUS - The Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa - is a Joint Authority formed by 24 municipalities. The aim is to offer patients in all member municipalities a timely and equal access to specialized medical care.